Jax's Lifelong Hospital Visits Have Inspired Him to Give Back!
Our friend Jax got a custom hockey gown to match his own hockey team! Jax and his mom shared about Jax’s health journey through the years and how Brave Gowns has totally changed his outlook on hospital visits, check out the article below! He loves his Brave Gowns so much he’s decided to raise 500 gowns by Thanksgiving for Phoenix Children’s Hospital and we hope you’ll help him reach his goal!
Even through anxiety and seizures, Jax is still trying to help other children feel Brave. His goal of 500 gowns donated is so amazing and we are so excited for him to be able to pass out gowns to others. He knows firsthand how hospital visits and stays can be draining and scary, but he also knows how amazing he feels when he's got his Brave Gowns and he knows how amazing it will help others to feel.
We’re so grateful for you Jax!
Let's help him donate 500 gowns by Thanksgiving!
You can read his article below, as well as donate a gown to his campaign for Phoenix Children's Hospital.