$ 12.00
Maverick is an adorable two year-old that is being raised by his grandma. He was in remission for only one short month before his cancer came back. Maverick now being treated for High Risk Stage 4 Metastatic aggressive Neuroblastoma cancer that is terminal. Maverick is currently going through radiation and unfortunately just had his leg amputated.
When we heard that Maverick and his grandma live on a second floor apartment and she can't carry Maverick, his wheel chair, nor anything else upstairs we knew we need to help. The apartment is so small that they can't even bring his wheelchair inside. They are currently trying to save up to move to a ground level apartment.  
Net proceeds from each mask will go directly towards his care and to help them find a new home that they can easily access. I can't imagine how exhausted and scared his grandma is. Anything that we can do to alleviate even the smallest worry through this time. Please help us protect them while protecting yourself.
Our products are used in over 380 hospitals and in seven countries. We have always been proudly made in the USA.

Stay Safe! Stay Healthy!
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